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Daily progress of donation and balance for this
Camp on 13th April 2009 is shown in this page.1●Cosponsor-ship:We are looking for cosponsors for the working expenditure. This donation is more than 5,000 yen. The balance (remainder) after spending for it will be donated to Arsha Vidya Gurukulam and AIM for Seva.
2●Technical and Active Support: Advertising, cooking vegetarian meal, serving chai and setting up a hall, taking care the sound system, reception etc. Let’s work together!!
→ "Kinds of support we need"Bank Account for DonationFor the one who can assist this camp by 1●, we, Vedanta Camp Steering Committee prepared a bank account below to which you can donate.
At the time of your donation, please send e-mail to us with your name,
phone number and address.
Bank: 京都銀行(Kyoto Bank) Branch: 西陣支店(Nishijin Branch) Account type: 普通 (Ordinary) Account no: 5000453 Account name: ヴェーダーンタキャンプ運営委員会
(vedanta camp Steering Committee ) paravidya.kendram@gmail.com (mail after donation)
①List of Technical and Active Support (Up to 20th Jan)Kind of Support Name (↓click and see more)
1. Flight ticket for Swami Dayananda and his assistant
2. Daily Transport for Swami Dayananda and his assistant
3. Accommodation and meals for Swami Dayananda and his assistant
----------All 1 2 and 3 are given by
SRM Technologies Private Limited 4. Design for the website-----------Ms.Mariko
5. Design for the brochure----------
Ms.Naomi Nojima、Mr. Daisuke
6. Yoga teachers for 24 January----Yashoda
7. Yoga teachers for 25 January----Miho
(Kuni, Hiromi, Mirai, Nahoko and Rika will help 6.7.by their Yoga skills)
8. 30Kg of rice for January ---------Miho
9. Reception for January------------Hiromi, Shivakami
10.Account for January-------------Yuri, Hisako, Miki
11.Chairman for January------------Tomoaki
12.Sound & Video for January-------Kaida, Kuni, Mirai
13.Set up the hall for January-------Tomoaki, Daisuke
14.Cooking & Serving for Jan.-------Kazumi, Miho
(Yashoda, Mayuko, Naomi and others also help 14.)
Other than this, Kazumi, Tomoaki, Suetsugu, Yuri and Kaida are supporting and organizing as Steering Committee. People from
Shivananda YVCJ are also supporting as volunteers for the preparation towards April Camp. We need lots of ideas, encouragement and skillful and active supports continuously till the end of this Camp. Please have a look at page of
"Kinds of support we need" and contact us!!
②List of Donation (up to 15th. Feb) Date amount name of Donator
2009/01/05 100000yen Cetana
2009/01/08 10000yen Eiichi Kaida
2009/01/09 50000yen Yuri Yamaguchi
2009/01/17 10000yen Namrata
2009/01/24 126000yen Dakshina on 1/24
2009/01/25 225000yen Dakshina on 1/25
2009/01/25 10000yen Kikue Yasuda
2009/02/10 5000yen Hitomi Aono
2009/02/13 5000yen J.J.
2009/02/13 10000yen iti
2009/02/14 3000yen Dakshina on 1/25(additions)
amount 554000yen----②
③List of expenditure(Up to 17th, Jan) Date amount details
2008/12/08 9355yen Printing the brochure for January Camp
2008/12/08 1895yen Administrative communication expense
2008/12/31 1005yen Posting (December)
2009/01/12 1500yen Administrative communication expense
2009/01/15 23605yen Printing the brochure for April Camp
2009/??/?? ??????yen Donation for Joenji-temple for Jan. Camp
2009/??/?? ??????yen Big pot for cooking
2009/??/?? ??????yen Printing the brochure for April Camp
2009/??/?? ??????yen Donation for Joenji-temple for April Camp
2009/??/?? ??????yen Setting the hall (stage,chair and decoration)
2009/??/?? ??????yen Carpet for the hall
amount 37360yen-----③
④Balance (Up to 17th, Jan) ② - ③ = 132640yen -----④ (←this balance will be used as below)

All donations (the balance) of TOKYO Vedanta Camp are used for preserving this teaching tradition of Vedanta to next generation through
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam and used for
AIM for Seva (All India Movement for Seva). Both are founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati. AIM for Seva’s purpose is to save many lesser privileged children from the rural and tribal regions of India. The journey has begun from total darkness to light as AIM for Seva's Student Homes open their doors to provide a bright future for them.
For us, the world is non-separate form Isvara, Bhagavan. So, working, studying, getting married, singing and dancing are all religious in the Vedic culture. All human pursuits, even the pursuit of wealth and success are nothing but seeking Isvara Himself.
Without a chance to appreciate Isvara, any studying and working in society cannot make sense. Even so, children have to be asked, "How is your grade in your school?", "What job would you choose?" It is too terrible and minds collapse. Studying becomes studying for exam. Life becomes the life only for waiting for Sunday, showing heavy sighs in Monday morning sometime with anger, or lament for wrinkles on face. The more I come to know the world, the more I become small and insignificant.
Is my life only for obtaining good comments from others? ---
If one can see through what is going on, seeking the truth, he or she has to approach the teacher who teaches Vedanta. Living and appreciating vedic vision in life, being mature emotionally, one may take the committed life style called YOGA.
It is said that knowledge for Moksa taught in Vedanta, in the last chapter of Veda, takes place only in the cheerful mind of YOGI, the one who lives YOGA. Knowing that self is free from all limitation, he or she gains the total self-acceptance, Moksa.
We want to work for handing down this teaching tradition to next generation, so that we can grow out. Let's make sure the glory of this teaching tradition ourselves in this Tokyo Vedanta Camp.
★We are planning to arrange the opportunity to get blessings from Swami Dayananda at the end of the Camp, for the people who’s been supporting this event by sponsoring, donating or actual works. Please pay your kind attention till the end of this event.